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GDPR privacy notice
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) is the legal framework for which personal Data is collected and stored This Privacy Notice explains what information I collect about you, why I collect this Data, how it is stored, and when and who it may be shared with. Please read the following and sign that you understand and agree to these procedures.
Organisation Name:
Child Psychotherapy Cornwall
Caroline Palmer
I am the Data processor and Data controller. I do not have any employees or associates.
Information Commissioners Office (ICO) Registration Number
Types of data collected:
Personal Data: information that can identify you as an individual eg:
Personal information sheet
Consent to share information sheet
Process, Fees and Cancelation Process sheet
Sensitive Data: information about your physical/mental health, personal history, feelings etc
A record of each psychotherapy session
Developmental questionnaire (when appropriate)
RCADS (when appropriate)
How is data collected
Personal data: before your initial appointment a Personal information sheet, Consent to share information sheet, Process, Fees and Cancelation Process sheet and Privacy Notice will be emailed to you for you to complete and bring to your initial appointment. In addition, you may have provided personal information about your circumstances and identity via initial email and/or verbally through telephone discussion which I will have recorded in my clinical notes. This information enables me to get to know you and your immediate circumstances such as where you go to school etc.
Sensitive data is collected and recorded in clinical notes following each session. Sensitive data may also be received through correspondence, reports, email and verbal discussions with other professionals such as Social Workers, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Teachers, Pediatricians, GPs etc. This Data enables me to develop an assessment and formulation of your presentation and difficulties. This, in turn, helps me assess whether Child Psychotherapy could be helpful or a different modality is warranted.
Why do I collect Data?
The collection of personal data and the writing of clinical notes (sensitive Data) is a requirement of my registration body, the Association of Child Psychotherapists, and my insurance company and is an integral part of good practice in providing an effective psychotherapy treatment. This ensures that assessment and treatment can be provided efficiently, with the correct holistic understanding of your current presentation as well as the historical context.
Clinical notes are kept after each session as a record of attendance and treatment progress. These notes are confidential and will not be shared with anyone else unless in specific circumstances (see information sharing section below).
Information sharing: Who is your Data shared with?
If your child commences treatment, their personal details will be shared with 2 ‘clinical trustees’. This is a requirement of my registration body (ACP). In the event of my being taken seriously ill a colleague (clinical trustee) would contact you and make appropriate arrangements.
It is a legal requirement to share information to safeguard children. Therefore, if I hold information relating to yours or another child being at risk of or experiencing harm, I am legally obliged to share this information through the Child Protection process.
Your information and sensitive Data can be requested by the police and/or courts if it is deemed relevant to criminal proceedings.
There may be other scenarios where I feel it relevant and necessary to share information with other professionals. In such circumstances I will always endeavor to discuss this with you first. Informing you what information I intend to share, why and with whom. Any information shared will be on a strict ‘need to know basis’. Any other professionals with whom your information is shared are subject to GDPR regulations and confidentiality.
My registration body (ACP) requires me to attend regular supervision. Sensitive information is shared with my supervisor. However, cases are discussed with anonymity to protect children and family’s identities.
How is information stored and for how long and Data security?
All paper records are stored in an individuals’ files, in a locked storage cabinet.
Clinical notes are written electronically using encrypted software.
All reports or notes sent via email will be password protected.
Please do not share sensitive information with me via text message or email to ensure your privacy.
It is a legal requirement for children under 18 during the time of treatment for their records to be kept until 7 years following their 18th Birthday. If a young person turns 18 whilst in treatment their notes/records will be stored for 7 years following the end of treatment. At the end of this period all notes and records are destroyed.
What are your rights?
You have a legal right to request to see your record, request I amend any personal information that I have stored, and request I delete information that I hold. Individuals with parental responsibility for a child have the right to access the child’s record. However, serious consideration should be given as to the impact on treatment and relationships within the family if this request is made. I would welcome discussing such requests before releasing Data.
Complaints about Data storage and sharing
If you are not happy with my methods or storing and recording personal and sensitive Data please discuss this with me and I will try to resolve this. You are also able to contact the Information Commissioners Office ( with any complaints. My ICO reference umber is ZA221298.
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